Divorce Recovery Counseling For Men, Women and Children

Surprised by the impact of your separation or divorce? The break-up of a relationship often has a devastating effect on our lives and our emotions. Even those who choose to end the relationship often find themselves in a confusing time of anger, grief and doubt. Nature doesn’t give us much leeway here. We are a pair- bonding species and we do not break apart easily or well. For many people this is the most traumatic experience of their lives and they are truly surprised by the intensity and longevity of painful emotions.

We live in a “hurry up” culture where society expects us to sweep our wounds under the carpet and “get on with it.” This can make healing from divorce even more difficult as we feel guilty that we are still suffering and having trouble moving forward. Expectations of a quick recovery from divorce are often unrealistic. If we truly loved, if we invested years of our life, recovering from separation is neither quick nor easy. Neither should it be interminable. We all know someone who was never able to move forward, who is still stuck re-living and suffering over the past.

Divorce counseling can help you put your experience in perspective and assist you in coping with the worst of the grief, anger, emptiness or fear. If you have been “stuck” for a long time, I can help you to move forward. How do we learn from our losses and use that experience to enrich our life with purpose and direction? If you have gotten lost in the whirlwind that is often a part of separating, I urge you to call  561.212.5408 to set up an appointment, or click contact me  if you prefer email.